يتكون الخطاب من عدة أجزاء تأتي بالترتيب كما في الشكل المقابل و سوف أبدء بشرح كل جزء علي حده في هذه المقالة مع إعطاء أمثلة لكل جزء ما عدا الجزء الخاص بموضوع الخطا (و الذي سوف يتم شرحه في مقالات قادمة و إعطاء امثلة عملية عليه ( امر بيع – امر شراء – كشف حساب – مرتجعات – مراسلة البنوك – الشحن – الاعتماد المستندي- ..........) و سوف اجهز قوالب جاهزة باذن الله.

13- الموضوع The Subject
سوف يتم شرحه في اجزاء اخري ان شاء الله
14- شروط الدفع    Payments terms & due
·         Note: payment of credit invoice must be supported with official receipt.
·         please make all cheques payable to : xxxx company
·         validity : 10 days from the date of this offer
·         100% CASH ON DELIVERY
·         TOTAL : SAUDI RIYAL ************** ONLY
·         payment due as following : 100% on: 23/11/2006
·         payment : please transfer the above amount as soon as possible to the following bank
·         full in advance
·         Down payment request
·         The prices and the parts numbers here are subject to change without notice.
·         This quotation is valid for one month.
·         Offer validity : this offer is valid for 1 week
·         On the bank transfer, please mention description of payment.

15- حالة البضاعة  Goods Condition :

·         Sold spare parts can be accepted for return within 5 days provided they are in good condition and unused with deduction of 10% handling charges ( قطع الغيار المباعة تسترد خلال 5 أيام ، فقط إذا كانت بحالة جيدة مع خصم 10% مصاريف).
·         goods received in good condition
·         these goods have been carefully packed and checked .no claims allowed unless notice in writing is made within   days from receipt of goods and must be accompanied with  original invoice.
·         all returns are subject to a 20% return handling fee. Any return must have original copy of invoice.
·         Availability and delivery:  to be agreed mutually , to your 0000 site/store

16-  بيانات اخري Other details :

·         salesman ref , customer ref

17- الخاتمة Complimentary close

·         we hope you will find the above in order and in line with your requirements and look forward to received your valuable order.
·         Hoping the above offer will suit your needs and meet your approval. Assuring you of quality products and services and looking forward to receiving your orders.
·         We hope our offer is inline with your requirements and to your satisfaction. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us . looking forward to have you valued order soon.
·         Thank you for the opportunity to be of service
·         we trust everything is in order
·         Assuring  you  of our best efforts, we remain,
·         Seen & approved By the management.
·         Thank you for your attention. We hope to hear from you soon.
·         Assuring you of our best service always.
·         We appreciate your support and thank you for considering us for the 00000 services or products.
·         Please acknowledge the receipt.
·         When replying,could you please …………….

18- المرفقات Enclose :
·         Please find attached approved design of 0000000000000 for your kind reference
·         I this regards , please find enclosed our debit note.

19- التوقيع Signature :

·         signature & date
·         for and behalf of (نيابة عن)
·         Thanks & Regards,
·         Best Regards (أجمل التحيات)
·         Yours sincerely,
·         Sincerely yours (المخلص لكم).
·         Very truly yours,
·         For and on behalf of the company.
·         Direct #: رقم التليفون المباشر

هناك ايضا بعض الاجزاء المتقدمة التي ممكن ان يحتويتها الخطاب و سوف يتم شرحها فيما بعد و منها:
·         Exclusions form our scope
·         Duration
·         Commercial terms and conditions
·         Inspection
·         Price criterion ( نوع العملة المستخدمة و قيمة التحويل من والي الدولار او اليورو)
·         Reservation of proprietary rights
·         Force majeure
·         Standard provision clause
·         Cancellation clause
·         Contactor liability
·         Custom duties
·         Subcontractor obligation

مثال :

·         Ref: - XX/XX/CONTRACT NO. /ORDER NO.               Date: 29.11.2009
·         To                      :               company name
·         Attn                   :               connected person name
·         CC                      :              another connected person name
·         Tel NO.             :             Mobile # 654656685                                   Fax No.              :
·         Project              :              
·         Subject             :            purchase order ()
·         Dear sir,
·         Reference to
·         Order description
·         Payments terms if any
·         Please find attached
·         Thanks and regards,
·         Signature
·         Res.person name
·         Director of project management
·         Direct #: رقم التليفون المباشر

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